Daily Specials

Daily Specials

Monday through Saturday

Baked Lamb$21

Prime Rib of Beef$25

T-Bone Steak$25

Above served with a garden salad, rice, potato & vegetable

Grilled Chicken Salad$15
with Cup of Soup

Wednesday & Friday

Plaki: Haddock Baked$18
with Tomatoes & Onions

Fried Calamari$17

Fried Haddock$17

Above served with Rice or Potato


Baked Lamb$21

Prime Rib of Beef$25

Sirloin Strip Steak$25

Lamb on a Stick$23

Roast Lamb$23

Chicken on a Stick (Oriental)$20


Served with a garden salad, rice, potato, a vegetable, coffee & dessert!

Thursday when available

Stuffed Peppers or Stuffed Tomatoes$14

Served with Rice or Greek style Potatoes